Why Should I Create a Website?

What is a website? Simply put, it is an internet based information sharing platform, usually hosted on a web server and identified by a domain name. A website can be as simple as a few graphical pages for personal or business use or it can be a complex multi-page website to allow the exchange of various types of information. A website can serve as a portal to an internal system of a company, a type of public online forum, a store front, or a sales presentation. It may even be a vehicle through which internet marketing is conducted

What do we mean by website design? Web design refers to the arrangement of text, graphics, images, video, audio, software, logos, etc., used on a website in order to bring it to life for its intended audience. Some common components of website design are typography, formatting, visual appearance, interactivity, usability, and usability testing. Website design differs from site visitor experience in many ways such as the level of personalization, credibility, ease of navigation and ease of understanding, as well as the effectiveness and sophistication of the design.

The term website design can also refer to the aesthetic appearance of websites, which includes colors, images, video clips, animations, and interactivity. While web design pertains to the arrangement of text, graphics, video, images, and interactivity, aesthetics involves the overall look and feel of the site. It differs from web design in that the former refers to the appearance of the site and the latter pertains to how these elements are arranged. These two aspects are often considered in different contexts. For example, website aesthetics is often considered when attempting to create a unique online presence, while web design is often considered when creating a user friendly interface for presenting information and engaging users.

Why are websites necessary? Web sites are necessary because they allow users to access information at their fingertips. They provide valuable information and can be accessed anytime from anywhere at any time. Web sites allow site visitors to search or find information on the Internet, store data, and keep records of items they purchase, find local restaurants, book stores and more.

What are static websites? Static websites are simply web pages that do not change and do not grow. For instance, a static website could be an HTML page with no additional modules like images or videos. A static website would consist solely of the text. A dynamic website would consist of additional images, flash movies, Java scripts, media files, etc. These additional components allow the owner of the static website to add various features and multimedia to the page without having to rewrite the code.

Why should I create a website? Creating websites can have multiple benefits. Creating simple websites that contain just the necessary information and data for site visitors can help you increase your web presence, generate leads, and provide information and data on your products and services, while generating potential customers to your business.
