Principles of News Design

News design is essentially the creative process of arranging content on a printed paper page, in accordance with graphical and editorial guidelines and objectives. Main goals of news design are the arrangement of news content in an attractive and reader-friendly manner. In addition, news design provides an opportunity for news organizations to update their readers on current affairs and breaking news. However, it can be hard to come up with interesting and original news content.

Newspapers and other periodicals employ graphic design in order to draw attention to specific features of a story or related items. The arrangement and placement of text and graphics on the newspaper page often contributes to the overall design concept. Most newspapers use a double-spacing system where one-spaced text runs along the left-hand side of the page and two-spaced text runs along the right side.

One of the most common uses for news design is as a component of the website. The design is applied to both the home page and to individual stories and articles. For example, news design for the New York Times website uses a style that involves drop shadows and gray scale in its application. This approach has a very distinctive look that sets it apart from other websites. Many newspapers have also created an in-house news design department that employs a number of different graphic design professionals.

Web sites, in contrast to newspapers, do not generally have a news design team. Instead, news designers at web sites create the basic layout, including most of the visual elements such as images and hyperlinks. Web designers who are hired by newspapers and other publications are often college students or young professionals who are passionate about the industry. Web design students often begin their work in college by participating in internship programs run by various publications. In addition to working on a daily basis with current news designers, these young professionals often take part in web design internships that give them the chance to experience the different aspects of the online media industry.

While newspapers often outsource their news design projects to freelance designers, the trend today is to contract these tasks to a company that specializes in web design. In contrast to news design, the primary goal of web site designers is to build web sites for businesses and organizations rather than individual consumers. For example, a business might require a website to promote a new product line. A web site designer will create this website in a style that is appropriate to the business. Web site designers can also specialize in particular areas, such as children’s web sites or government web sites. In addition, these specialized designers can often obtain higher compensation than freelance designers would.

Another principle behind news design and web design is related to the reading gravity. Most individuals spend a good portion of their day simply reading the newspaper or watching television. If a front page feature an interesting story, there is a good chance that the reader will read at least some of the story. For this reason, news designers often strive to make every published page interesting for the reader.

Types of Templates

What are templates? The word template can conjure up many things for different people. For some it is a word processor and for others it is a form of artwork, while for some still it is something to be remembered as a past time. If we want to classify templates as something that can be classified under the broad categories of art, literature, and music then we must first explain what it is and how it came into existence.

A template is a unit of work which has a generic appearance and which can be reused for the purpose of re-use or for another similar application. The term template was probably first used by the great philosopher Aristotle. He put forward the theory of intension which was to do with the arrangement of things. According to this view a template is a device with fixed measures or standards by means of which we can arrange an object so that it can have its end result when we re-arrange it again.

In our modern times the term template has a much wider meaning than it did in Aristotle’s time. Now it refers not only to the devices with fixed standards and measurements but also to a set of practices, rules and technology by which objects of different types and purposes can be produced more rapidly and efficiently. In simple terms we can say that templates are the methods for arranging material so that it can be used for a variety of purposes and then be returned to its original state as soon as the work has been completed. We can call it a template if the end result of the production does not vary when we reuse it or re-arrange it.

In general the source code of templates is stored in a file called TEMPLOC. It consists of a series of generic instructions which tell the template engine how to configure the template and its associated features. A typical scenario would be that the developer uses the designer tab in an application to create a standard template. Then he uses the designer tab in the same program to specify the necessary parameters, click on ‘apply’ and then finally enters the order info (in the form of an int) into the text box.

The above example shows how easy it is to use templates. The developer can specify the desired parameters, click on ‘OK’ and then simply copy and paste the required information into the Int main window. The Int main process then lets the template do the rest of the work. It converts the int requested by the developer into a suitable format and assigns it to a variable of type int. After this the template returns the desired output. In other words it produces a standard outcome which can be used and then manipulated according to the needs of the situation.

The above example can be seen as a clear illustration of the general utility of templates. They are not just a set of guidelines for creating applications but they can be used for handling complex problems too. Moreover, templates can be used directly within an application or they can be used as part of a library of templates which can be easily accessed from a web browser. Templates may be both written and compiled.
