
Four Basic Elements of Design

A design is a blueprint for the construction or manufacture of something, an idea or system, or even for the effective execution of such a project or plan, or the expected result of it in the end form of a product, machine or process. The word design also refers to the act of developing a plan or scheme for any project. It can also be used in combination with the term blueprint. In engineering, designs are plans or schematics (the written form) of a machine or other thing that will be built, as part of a larger whole, sometimes with a great number of units or sections connected together to form a structure.

Designers use designs for a variety of purposes, including product design for products such as food and medicine products, clothing, architecture, electronic equipment, aircraft, automobiles, watches and so on. Some designers specialize in only one area such as computer graphic design, others in interaction design, toy design, medical illustration and many more. Interaction design is, perhaps, the most interesting discipline in design studies. It deals mostly with the communication aspects of design, where the designer is concerned with such things as visual design, typography, logo design and others.

One of the most important aspects of graphic design involves white space. This means everything from the background to the icons or text on a page. White space is often thought of as being boring, but it actually adds to the visual appeal of many designs, because it creates an absence of clutter or disorder, and indeed contributes to the experience of “presence” or “imagineability”. This is why many designers choose to implement some white space in their designs, by using patterns or geometrical shapes to define it.

Another field of study that is related to interaction design is motion graphics or 3D modeling. This is one of the hottest designs right now, because not only does it look great, it is also very environmentally friendly. Motion graphics involves the use of computers or digital media to create animated figures or real life images. The designers work in conjunction with the client, to enhance the visual experience and the functionality of any website.

In this case we would again be referring to the field of social research. The social research community refers to experts in this field who conduct it by collecting data about groups of people. Two groups might be a religious sect, a group of students or a group of families. When conducting this research, two groups are placed into one group of designs and subjected to a variety of social settings in order to determine which group performs better.

There are a variety of different types of research designs, which fall under the larger umbrella known as “social science.” Most of the research designs in this field are observational in nature, meaning they simply observe what is happening, rather than use a specific purpose such as to predict the future. Two major categories under the social science umbrella include descriptive and predictive. In a descriptive design, the designer uses data in order to describe a specific threat or opportunity, while a predictive design focuses on how to deal with a given situation.
