Designing refers to the process by which one decides what to do in order to get something. A design is a specific plan or specification for an act or procedure or for the performance of an action or process, and the end result of which plan or specifications would be the end product. The word ‘design’ in design also denotes a preconceived idea that serves as the starting point of creative work.

The word design in the context of art, therefore, refers to an outstanding visual presentation of ideas conceived and developed through interaction with other people. The word design in the context of the human mind has a slightly different meaning. A designer who creates designs consciously builds a database of mental models, thoughts and concepts.

Designing can be either a technical or a creative process. Technical designs are those that are developed for functional reasons such as equipment, appliances or protective gear. Creative designs on the other hand are those that are designed for artistic purposes like posters and paintings. A graphic designer usually works with these two processes in parallel but not necessarily. A designer working in the realm of technical drawings would most likely start out with a blueprint of some sort and then go on to develop the illustration and the printing process to make it practical for his clients.

The most common way of sketching out designs is with the use of a pencil and paper, with the intention of eventually having them added up into some sort of real design. This is called de signing. If you were to look at a designed piece, you would see very little difference from the normal sketch because everything is still drawn the same way – with the stroke being the only difference. Sometimes, the designer will add in a color palette and shading to bring out the details of the piece.

Graphic designers on the other hand have two different design roles. The first role is the artist who draws the sketches. The second role is the one who applies it to paper and to whatever form it ends up in. It is the designer’s job to make sure that the designs are put together well and that the client gets what he paid for. Designers do this by communicating with their clients and listening to their specifications.

There are a lot of jobs that go hand in hand with the work of designers. The most popular one seems to be advertising photographers. These artists are hired by companies to create brand images, logos, posters and the like. They also work on commission as art consultants. In fact, they do a combination of the two and create ads and posters for their clients along with the fine art of creating designs.
