info design

Info Design and Its Advantages

Welcome to Info Design Central! Is your message simple enough? Too important not to pass up by others?

Insiders say no, that is too much. But the idea that small business marketing needs to be rethought as if it were a” transistor”, as in “transistor management” is seriously outdated. With its roots dating from WWII, the theory of targeted, highly specific marketing campaigns has matured. Designing your business identity, logo, signage and brand awareness therefore requires a different mindset than traditional design.

This is because you are dealing with a human being who can never read or remember your exact message. This is the age of instant gratification. What is important today is what gets you noticed. What does it mean for your business?

It means you need a design concept that focuses on the prospects, not the product. Info design is all about capturing the prospect’s attention and then delivering the right message at the appropriate time. In fact, many customers today expect direct answers to their questions. The world is “Info-land”. Customers expect to locate answers to their questions in an easily-understood format. That is what an interactive website design can deliver.

A great example of this concept is your website. If your website looks like a book cover with a few bullets and hyperlinks to illustrate points, the prospect is far more likely to read your information (given its high value and relevance). A well designed website provides a logical flow of information from beginning to end. It provides a logical order and a logical progression. Customers want to know where to go next, not how they got there.

A website is your sales tool, and you must make sure that it is used properly. Your visitors should find what they need when they arrive. It’s a good idea to design the site with your visitor in mind. That way you can provide useful, up-to-date information while still making it easy to navigate and understand.

For example, think of your website as an “encyclopedia” of information. What do you have to offer? If you’ve done your job correctly, your visitors will be able to find the answer to any question they might have. Think of your website as a well-oiled set of information. It’s easy to find the answer to just about any question.

Once you’ve answered the question, the visitor should feel as if they’ve “gotten all the information they’ll ever need”. When you’ve done your job right, your visitor should feel empowered by finding the answers to their most vexing questions. You’re just asking them to click on a link. Your information should be easy to find, informative, and easy to use!

Info design can be an effective tool in achieving all of those things. It allows you to put the “info” in front of your customers. It makes information more valuable, clearer, and easier to understand. This leads to happier customers, who are more likely to buy from you. It also increases your bottom line.
