What is info design? An info design is a description or blueprint of a structure or object, the output of which is intended to serve a purpose or the intended outcome of that structure or object, or its functional result. The word ‘design’ itself may point to the production of a blueprint, but it can also mean a generic term used to describe the science of metallurgy, especially relating to the designing of tools and art. In some instances, the term info design is used in place of ‘design’. The latter word has certain additional connotations.

Info design generally refers to a system for producing, manipulating and controlling physical structures, including machine, software, hardware and information. An info design could be a blueprint of a solar cell, for example, or a set of instructions for assembling a robot, such as the autonomous robots commonly known as Dragonfly and Roboquad. Information technology, on the other hand, pertains to anything related to the manipulation of information or data, including computer systems, desktop publishing systems and the Internet. Info design also includes computer programs, for instance Microsoft Office Suite, Sun Staroffice 8 and Adobe InDesign.

The term info design is sometimes used as a verb, indicating a procedure for creating an informational document. For instance, the efektywnej pracy ( Georgian) could be described as a blueprint for constructing a Georgian home. It is not a manual, as are technical manuals. In fact, we do not need any manual for building a house: we just need to follow a set of instructions, taking into consideration the individual circumstances of each case, until we arrive at the stage of building the house that meets our requirements. A manual would only be required if the project was complex, such as building a space ship, and we needed specialized equipment for the purpose.

Info design can refer to both manuals and machines, but it seems that in the early stages of human history, the most important machine was the brain. The other forms of info design include the following: documentation, design, instruction, problem solving, program development and software implementation. The first form, documentation, describes the process by which we produce information. For example, if you want to build a new house, you should start from the blueprints to the foundation by writing down every detail of the construction process. You may even draw the plans for your house, if you think it will help you to build the perfect dwelling for yourself.

Design refers to the creation of the final product, and this can be done in many ways. But the most important form is the creation of the final architectural plan by applying various mathematical procedures. This is often done with the help of computer programs. Another form of design is the production of intricate plans or drawings by hand, which are called as oprogramowania.

Instruction refers to the instruction set forth in the manual. It includes the texts, figures, graphs, illustrations, diagrams and videos. All of these forms are available as electronic documents for easy reading and printing. In the final analysis, information design and production is seen to be a collective term encompassing all the various processes that go into the making of an information product.
